Gopher Attack

Yesterday, with our men, and a bajillion bags of running gear, my good friend Becky and I woke up at the unhuman hour of 4:55 to eat breakfast and prepare for our first half marathon of the season. It was raining cats and dogs outside, but it did not deter us. I had brought a big bowl of rolled oats, coconut, raisins, apple pie spice which I cooked in the microwave which was in our hotel room and added a banana, thinly sliced, and some honey for a nutritious and surprisingly delicious pre-race meal. I sipped some tea and a litre of water, becky had some orange juice. Around 6:15am we left the hotel to go pick up our race packages which were less than trilling. They included one thermal running hat, and exactly three coupons. Worst race package I have ever recieved. Despite the terrible race package and drissly weather we were excited to get started and calm our nerves. The race started promptly at 7:00am and we were off. It looked like we would be the slowest in the race as we started our at our pre-determined 7 minute/km pace, but within about 3 km we started to pass some people who started out a little too fast. The run was mostly flat and very scenic. Once we hit about 4km the rain turned to snow, which turned to sleet and ice-pellets. We remained at our slow pace until about 11km where we fulled up with dried fruit and lemon larabars. This was the turn around point. At this point, the wind picked up, and it started POURING. I had so much water coming down my race at once point that I was inhaling water and felt a little like I was drowning. I had to hold my head at a very awkward angle for a couple km as not to keep inhaling mass amounts of rain water! Haha! Around 16km I started to ache in my hips a little, and my body started to get tired. Emotionally I still felt great. I pushed myself to 18km where Becky went ahead at the predetermined pace and I walked for 1km. I then continued on, slowly, but surely and crossed that much anticipated finish line at 2:46:30, with AT LEAST 5 or 6 people behind me.

Positive Race Features: Beauitful, relatively flat distance. Early morning package pick up for out of towners.

Negative Race Features: Not well marked, I almost got lost a couple times when I couldn’t figure out where the runner ahead of me had turned [We were all very spaced out]. Not enough water/fuel stations-luckily we had our fuel packs on, but there was only water provided at the 5km intervals, I drank WAY more than that from my pack. Misleading information-we were told in race information there would be pizza/bananas/fruit, massage tents, and metals at the finish line. None of these were there-our metals are going to be mailed. SUPER frusterating and disappointing, especially after you are STARVING from burning 1850 calories in 2.5 hours!!!! Only ONE porta poty point-at 10km! Not even one at the finish/start line.

So overall, for the 40$ registration fee, it was a good race, but could use some better organization and less misleading course registration information. I would definitely run it again as it is a Boston Qualifier. Great trip with friends.