Sloth Life

****Once again…Can’t get photos to load…..Getting new computer THIS week *pinky promise****

This week I started my 24 days of vacation, and lets just say….I’m loving the sloth life. A ton of sleeping and eating….not a whole lot of exercising. Half marathon in a week and a half and I am no where near ready….nevermind ready to PR.
I am also stuck in glasses for a few weeks-so I feel even LESS motivated (if that were possible) to do anything sweaty. Im just telling myself “You must need all this sleep….right?” Need to get my butt in gear ASAP!

Day 1- Canada Day: Slept all day recovering from nights. Ate at a gluten free burger at Fuddruckers. Walked aprox. 10km according to google maps along the river, leisurely pace. Watched fireworks.

Day 2- Slept most of the day after being awake most of the night-having a hard time getting off of nights. Ran errands. Signed up for Scrubscriptions and Ipsy as well as a trial subscription(free) for honest company. Ordered EE Burito for dinner- amazing gluten free mexican food. Watch The Fall Season 1 (5 episodes) on Netflix with the hubbie-so creepy but sooooo good!Blew off my speed work-it is crazy hot out today, and I slept way too long. Excuses, Excuses.

Day 3- Eat a bunch of cold rolls and fruit for breakfast-all I feel like eating is vegetation and tacos today. Laze around home, including a fabulous mid-afternoon nap before heading for a massage[I’ve found an amazing gal thanks to a coworker’s referrals]. Dinner with Dad at Kongo Cafe[Jamacian Food].I promise I’ll start running every day tomorrow? [I have 18km planned for tomorrow morning…]